Big Principles/ Secrets of Ninjutsu 2017
- Muto
- Sanshin
from Muto Dori
- Kihon
Happo from Sanshin no kata (Gogyo)
- One
Finger test of Kihon
- Networking
with each other
5 rules of Budo 五 じよう(to be figured out)
- Eternal
- Stay
on the straight path
- Natural
- Natural
- Light
of enlightenment
Always be moving
- Always
moving will allow the techniques to come forward whilst I position my body
through small adjustments, which will also ‘force’ Uke to make
small adjustments
- We
need to be free and keep on moving to ‘create openings’ and
move into advantageous positions (Kamae).
- We
must check if that purpose is aligned with the Gods and with life itself. Ask
God for permission to move, don’t use my own ego or nature to
- Its
important to have a strong flow when moving and don’t
interrupt the flow (e.g. doing 1, 2, 3) and keep the
connection with the opponent
- Going 60% gives the chance to observe the opponent and myself. With more information on both, I can then amend my strategy and can respond accordingly
The main focus was still Muto Dori as was all of 2017, usually done against attacks, both armed and unarmed. Focus was on not avoiding the attack, but to really give Uke the feeling he is actually going to get me. Soke demonstrated time and time again how to do his Muto Dori, explaining that he cannot teach it to us. He is an artist, like da Vinci. We have to do our own practice and study. Maybe one day we become artists too! Great training with Furuta Sensei, Nagato Sensei, Noguchi Sensei and Rob Sensei. Thank you for the amazing support, advice and guidance
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Skoke's Painting: Kyo Jitsu Ten Kan (Truth & Falsehood - being able to discern when to use what) (虚実転換→虚実天観) |